Enjoy Great Wines With These Tips
When the holidays arrive, it makes sense to keep lots of different wine varieties on hand. The recommendations in this article will assist you in choosing the best wines for special occasions.
Wine can help you make a wonderful sauce for beef dishes. To do this put some butter and red wine in a saucepan. Simmer long enough for some alcohol to evaporate and allow the sauce to thicken. You should then drizzle your sauce over your beef dish.
You may find that cheap wines are quite lovely. If you want to find wine that tastes great and costs less, give Chilean wines a try. Many wines from the region are excellent values. Cabernet Sauvignon is a fantastic wine for its price. Other countries whose wines are affordable are Argentina, New Zealand and South Africa.
Keep your reds and whites in proper glasses. Whites are best in a narrow wine glass to prevent warm air from making its way to the top. Reds need to be poured into wider styles of glasses that have large mouths. This allows for better airflow and allows the wine to warm, which brings out the flavor.
If you are planning to bring wine to a tailgate event, choose a bottle with a screw top. This is because because you can manage screw tops easier than corks because you don't need a wine opener to open it. You can also reclose the wine with a screw top, whereas a cork may not be as secure.
Tailgating is a great time for wine, but choose a bottle with a screw top. This option is far more casual and convenient there is absolutely no need for a corkscrew, and the bottle can be opened quickly and easily between pours. In addition, you can easily reseal your screw top bottle whenever you are done. A cork bottle isn't as simple to reseal, and its seal isn't as secure.
There are many varieties of wines, ranging from sparkling fruit wines to rich red wines. When you visit a liquor store to stock your wine cooler, make sure you know which wines to look for. The information from the above article should be sufficient to choose wines that work with your food selections.
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